My Engineering Story: Igor, Junior Embedded Software Engineer

My engineering journey at Avisto Eastern Europe has been a thrilling adventure, one that has taken me from the classroom to the heart of software development

Ever since I was a child, I was captivated by the inner workings of machines. The curiosity to unravel their mysteries and explore how software could be seamlessly integrated into our surroundings drove my every thought.

This passion pushed me towards a career in engineering. My journey began with an internship in embedded software development. It was my first real step into the world of engineering. During my internship, I got a firsthand look at the dynamic field of embedded software. The experience was both challenging and rewarding, allowing me to put my theoretical knowledge into practice. Working on real-world projects, I learned the importance of collaboration and the intricacies of developing software for embedded systems. I was fortunate to have a supportive team at Avisto Eastern Europe who guided me through this journey. They provided valuable mentorship and encouraged me to explore new ideas. The path to becoming an Embedded Software Developer was not without its challenges. From debugging complex code to optimizing system performance, every obstacle was an opportunity for growth. Overcoming these hurdles gave me a deep sense of satisfaction and improved my problem-solving skills. Upon completing my internship, I was thrilled to join the Avisto Eastern Europe team as an Embedded Software Developer.

This was a significant milestone in my journey. Avisto’s work culture and commitment to innovation aligned perfectly with my aspirations. I graduated at the  School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade, in the Department of Computer Science and Information Theory. My academic background laid the foundation for my journey into the world of embedded software development. My engineering journey at Avisto Eastern Europe has been a thrilling adventure, one that has taken me from the classroom to the heart of software development. It’s a testament to the power of passion, learning, and determination. For anyone with a dream of shaping the future through technology, I encourage you to follow your heart and embark on a journey of discovery and innovation.

Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or just starting your career, remember that every day is a chance to learn and grow. My story is just one among many, but it serves as a reminder that with dedication and a love for your craft, you can achieve remarkable things in the world of engineering.


If you’ve found Igor’s story interesting, check out our Embedded Software Internship Program, and find out more information on how to become Junior Embedded Software  Engineer at Avisto Eastern Europe.


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